Thursday, March 09, 2006


1. What would you do if you were lactose-intolerant but had 2 litres of full cream milk nearing its expiry date?

Throw it away? Nah, it's wasteful. Pour it into a bath tub and have a milk bath. It helps to moisture your skin.

A better solution is not to buy it in the first place.

2. How do you hand wash delicate clothes without pails?

Use the bath tub. It has hot and cold taps for hot and cold washes.

3. You want to make salad but there is only a plate and a knife but no pail to wash your vegetables.

Clean the sink and fill up with cold water to wash vegetables. Cut the vegetables on the plate since there is no chopping board. Be prepared that the plate will have scratch marks.

Disclaimer: All these scenarios are personal experiences and how I reacted to the problems at hand. The settings are in an empty apartment in USA.


Anonymous said...

How come I never knew that you are lactose intolerant?

Anonymous said...

Ya lor, how come we all dun know u lactose-intolerant? Wah,wat kind of delicate clothing u hav????

Anonymous said...

milk bath... hahahaha... like cleopatra leh. anyway, i use my sink to wash dirty cloths, dishes, chicken and vegetables. the sink is so small that even my pot doesn't fit in it. yet i manage to wash my pot every time. somehow. and there is only a (ice-)cold water tap. :) used to wash my clothes (even jeans!) in my other sink for washing my face and brushing my teeth. sometimes it's not bad to live in an empty place. you'll start to realise that one doesn't really need that many things to begin with.

enjoy your simple life!