Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A controvesial novel?

Just read The Secret Magdalene by Ki Longfellow about Mary of Magdala during Jesus' time.

She was depicted in the Bible as a prostitute and a sinner. But in this novel, she was the beloved disciple of Jesus and his close companion.

It tried to follow along the storyline of Jesus but that he did not raise from the dead.

This is a serious contention to the beliefs of many followers of Jesus Christ. Decide for yourself.


Anonymous said...

This is not only a serious novel, but one of great beauty. It said to dig deeper than miracles. Miracles are nothing. It's meaning that matters. The book is about what Jesus MEANT. Churches lost all sense of that a long time ago. This book looks at it up close and personal. GREAT BOOK.

Anonymous said...

This book was wonderful. I hear there's a movie being made of it. If I were an actor I'd kill to play any of the characters. What a tour de force the whole thing is. I agree. Great book. I wouldn't be surprised if it became a classic. J. G. Holmes

Anonymous said...

If people knew what a bill of goods they'd been sold so long ago by a church with a ferocious political agenda, we wouldn't even be discussing Jesus. Maybe Mithras? But this book lays it all out clear as day. No miracles. No hoodoo voodah. Just the straight dope. So refreshing and so beautifully written, my hair stood up reading it.

Anonymous said...

Reading this book was like taking a long long hot shower and washing away all the dirt pretending to be "truth" we've been fed as history or religious fact all our lives. It cleared up so much for me. After reading it, I feel free to find my own faith and my own belief based on my own feeling about truth. A GREAT BOOK.