Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Patapsco Valley State Park

Saturday May 21, 2006
I visited Patapsco Valley State Park located south of Baltimore city. It extends along the Patapsco river where I presumed it got its name, encompassing 14,000 acres or 56.66 square kilometers. There were many trails available for hiking, cross-terrain biking and horse riding (I did not see anyone on a horse but I saw horse poop). The markings for the trails were conspicuous. There was no need to worry about getting lost.

This was also the first time that I experienced some sort of allergy in my life when I walked passed certain part of the park. My throat started to be irritated and I started coughing. Other than this slight discomfort, the hike was relaxing.

The flora and fauna were not as diverse as those of tropical rainforests. There was no thick undergrowth. However, two great things about hiking in a temperate forest were there was no pesty mosquito and the air was not humid.

It is good to get away from the buzz of city life and embrace fresh air from time to time. Watching waterfall and listening to the trickle of flowing water is therapeutic. It serves well for the brain and spirit to re-create.


Anonymous said...

this is what life should be.
leave some time and space for the eyes and your heart.
when I went out traveling, i feel that i am a human le. Although sometimes the feeling is not real.


Anonymous said...

Good good, looks like u are making the best out of your life there, from food to improvisations to outings......:) So when r u coming back here? The PC show is starting beginning of June!!

Errm btw hor...the waterfall will look better with a slower shutter speed.....:P