Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Any recommendation for free online photo upload?
Need to upload tons of pictures.
Thank you in advance.
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Monday, May 29, 2006
For example, as my colleague does not know that I am keeping my hair long, she suggested this product called Trim-a-cut whereby you cut your hair while combing it.
Another was the swimwear dryer. Swimmers usually have to bring bags or wrap the wet swimwear in a towel after swimming. At Johns Hopkins Homewood Campus, the swimming pool has this gadget whereby you get dried swimwear after placing in it for 10 seconds. The reason being someone identified the problem and devised a method or tool to solve it.
Sometimes, it takes the right person with the right attitude to be at the right place and right time for new ideas to flow. So, let not any opportunities slip you by. Grab them and make a difference in the world right now.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Commendable aspect of Maryland's transportation
There are bus services dedicated for those in wheel chairs. Boarding onto the bus is easy for them as buses were designed with them in mind. By a flick of the switch, the flight of steps becomes a lift and once onboard, designated seats are foldable where they can park their wheel chairs.
Special laws are passed where abled persons are required to give up their seats to them.
All these provide the physically challenged to go as they wish.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Patapsco Valley State Park

Saturday May 21, 2006
I visited Patapsco Valley State Park located south of Baltimore city. It extends along the Patapsco river where I presumed it got its name, encompassing 14,000 acres or 56.66 square kilometers. There were many trails available for hiking, cross-terrain biking and horse riding (I did not see anyone on a horse but I saw horse poop). The markings for the trails were conspicuous. There was no need to worry about getting lost.
This was also the first time that I experienced some sort of allergy in my life when I walked passed certain part of the park. My throat started to be irritated and I started coughing. Other than this slight discomfort, the hike was relaxing.
The flora and fauna were not as diverse as those of tropical rainforests. There was no thick undergrowth. However, two great things about hiking in a temperate forest were there was no pesty mosquito and the air was not humid.
It is good to get away from the buzz of city life and embrace fresh air from time to time. Watching waterfall and listening to the trickle of flowing water is therapeutic. It serves well for the brain and spirit to re-create.

Monday, May 22, 2006
Drinking oil?

This is one thing I like about US culture where things are sold in bulk at warehouse prices. I also discovered my favorite brand of ice cream, Godiva dark chocolate bar at Sam's Club. The chocolate ice cream is encrusted by a layer of dark chocolate crust. It looks tempting just by looking at it. The crust would break when you sink your teeth into the bar. Next, the rich aroma of dark chocolate permeates your taste buds. Heavenly....

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Improvisation II
A large cooking pot can be used for washing vegetables or meat, brewing soup or steaming food. I had used it to smash white pepper balls between clean cloths since I do not have a set of pestle and motar.
No broom? Use moist paper towels. They pick up dust and strands of hair better than broom. A big plus is that the dust does not fly about compared to sweeping with a broom. Use this method only when you have a small area to clean else you would have backache.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Pork Chop recipe

Pork slices
Bread or biscuit crumbs
Egg white
Meat tenderizer or corn starch works too
Meat marinating sauce (up to you)
Alternatively, you can marinate using light soya sauce, white pepper powder and sesame oil
If you like wine, you can add Chinese cooking wine or red wine
Marinate pork slices using the sauce or the alternate ingredients for at least two hours.
Add egg white to the pork after marinating. It acts as a glue for the bread or biscuit crumbs to stick to the meat.
Place marinated pork slices onto a plate of crumbs, dip both sides.
Fry over low to medium flame till golden brown.
Serve with vegetables.
Monday, May 15, 2006
A tribute to MOTHERS
Mother, mama, mommy, mum, 母 (Chinese, Japanese), mère (French), madre (Spanish, Italian), mutter (German), mãe (Portuguese), 어머니 (Korean) and Ibu (Malay). I find it fascinating that majority of these words in different languages has the alphabet ‘m’ and regardless of how they may sound, the virtues of love, tenderness, wisdom, courage and strength are found in the person whom we utter these words.
For nine months, you carried me in your womb, protecting the tiny me from harm. In giving birth to me, you endured pain beyond description. During my infant days, you tirelessly fed me with milk and love. In sickness, your constant care nursed me back to health. Your quiet sacrifices are not unnoticed, for you have taught me how to love. In my growing years, your compassion and wisdom taught me charity and guidance to find my dreams. Thank you for believing in all my dreams. I am what I am today and I owe it all to you, Mama.
Madam Soong's son
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Children see, children do
While eating his meal, my 3-year nephew started to shake his leg. In Chinese culture, it is considered rude to shake the leg or for the more superstitious, luck will be shaken away. My mum reproached him but he replied, 'Uncle Paul shakes his leg too.' I laughed hard when my mum recounted this incident to me.
If you want your kids to grow up in a certain way, do not just tell them because they usually do not listen. Instead, lead the way by showing an example to them. If you don't want your children to swear, don't swear. If you want your children to respect you, respect your parents. The list goes on. You get the idea!
Friday, May 12, 2006
Lesson from T-shirts
Lately, did I pieced the clues together. I set the washer to 'high temperature' instead of 'perm pressed', thinking that it would be cleaner. The dryer was set to high temperature too. My T-shirts are made of 100% cotton. Eureka, my T-shirts shrunk because of the heat.
Luckily, these T-shirts are meant for sleeping only. Imagine me walking around with the shrunken T-shirts. (Puking.....) Think this fashion is more suitable for females.
Lesson to learn: Always read and follow the washing instructions on whatever you want to wash.
A week in Paul's world
Wake up to the morning sun to do laundry, then attend 11.30am mass.
Cook lunch for a week's supply in the afternoon.
Buy grocery in the evening.
Tired at night after cooking and cleaning up apartment.
Monday - Friday
Work and work.
Dinner will either be ready-to-eat food such as pizza and pizza and pizza....... or noodle in whatever soup that I brewed.
Explore new places by bus or stay at apartment to rest.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Invitation to the Refuge Way of the Cross Church
I was invited by Delores to attend a Sunday service at her church today. Knowing that the congregation will be dressed in their Sunday's best, I put on long sleeve, pants and leather shoes instead of T-shirt, jeans and sneakers. This is a great attitude for me to learn because I am too complacent in my dressings when I attend mass.
The service was conducted in a dynamic and vibrant manner where the pastor will preach and anyone could stand up and praise the Lord. There would be spontaneous clapping, singing and dancing. The church was very much alive and spirit-filled.
After about two and half hours of worship, we adjourned from the main hall to the canteen below. As they celebrated Women’s Day today, all the men waited and served the ladies. I was spared the task because I was their guest. The community was very warm towards me.
Lunch began with a bowl of vegetable soup, a cup of cut fruits, followed by entrée consisting of rice, baked chicken and vegetables. I was too full for a slice of cake for dessert.
This was really an experience to see how Christians worship in
Paul's Gong Bao Ji Ting (chicken) recipe

Let me share my Gong Bao chicken recipe. My cooking style is based on estimation of the amount of each ingredient needed.
Chicken breast meat
Dried chilli
Cashew nuts
Light soya sauce
Sesame oil
Corn starch
White pepper powder
Cut the chicken breast to small chunks.
Marinate the meat with light soya sauce, white pepper powder, sesame oil and corn starch for two hours. Do not put too much sesame oil and corn starch because the former will impart a bitter taste if added in large quantity while the latter will give a starchy texture. Corn starch serves to tenderise the meat.
Chop garlic, slice ginger and oinion, cut capsicum to bite-sized.
Warm cooking oil and stir fry cashew nuts till golden brown.
Fry dried chilli, chopped garlic, sliced ginger and onion sequentially when each has given off its fragrant.
Add marinated meat and stir fry till cook. Add light soya sauce and sugar to taste.
Fry capsicum quickly (since it can be eaten raw) and serve.
Bon appetit.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
A prayer for strength
Teach me to forgive and forget with a generous heart when hurts and insults befall me.
In my afflictions, mould me into the person that You see in me.
Above all, I seek Your wisdom to navigate through this life's journey!
F & F cravings
Two months without local food and fruits! My cravings for them are building up to a climax as though I am suffering from withdrawal symptom. I am even eating pickled chilli (or what they called here as ‘pepper’) as a dish.
Tropical fruits such as banana, watermelon and mango are expensive here and do not taste as sweet.
Beef noodles, dry wanton mee, Hainanese chicken rice, fried kway tiao, rojak, mee
Prior to my
I will do this again when I am back soon.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Face off at Homewood Field

The match took place at
The game began with a parachutist bringing the balls for the match. What a great way to start a game! The referee’s whistle blew off and the competition started with the Blue Jays leading against Townson Tigers. I sat among fans of the Blue Jays where I spotted a guy with an interesting cap. In support of his favorite team, he had three blue jay look-alikes attached to his cap. The

Congratulations to both teams for a game well played. I had a good tan sitting at the spectator stand for one and half hour after two months here.