Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Day and night (a poem)

Day and night; One awakes to light while the other dozes off to night.

Twelve hours apart. The time they can communicate is short, during the twilight when sun meets moon in the sky.

In the clear still night, one fondly looks at the moon and recalls of times when both were gazing at stars under moonlit night.

In the wee hours of morning, a lonely heart prepares to dream while the other rises to life.

Day and night, twelve hours apart.


Anonymous said...

Wah, Uncle Paul. You got so much ink ah? Not bad not bad.

Anonymous said...

excellent poem.
good to know your are moving on there.
wish you have a more colorful life.
hehe, the attitude ditermins your altitude.
I think your freedom gives your more time to look inside yourself and to think about the life you have lived for 30 years, xixi.
good luck.

Paul said...

It has been a long time since I invoked this side of me. Been too strict and detailed in my paper writings. Haha...

Need time and inspiration for me to compose poems. Been so busy with things.

Yup, being alone helps me to find what I want to deal with the rest of my remaining years on earth. Still searching but at least I am moving forward.

Thank you for your encouragements!

Anonymous said...

hehe, people say that all the boys and girls in love are poets.
so do not lose this opportunity. time will not come back.

Anonymous said...

Today, I heard a song by Keren Mo, seems like you are saying about the same thing, but yours is sweet, hers is sad,xixi.

Keren Mo
那些以为会永远的昨天 是手机忘了删掉的照片
像口袋里被洗破的门票 时间搅碎一切
就像有时差的两个时间 白天注定无法拥抱黑夜
我们走过了多少的考验 还是死结

为什么感觉越强烈 却只会反方向撕裂 越是伤的直接
为什么总要到熄灭 才怀念曾经的炙热 感到迫切
为什么总要到残缺 才怀念相对的完全 发现爱走不对时间

就像有时差的两个世界 白天注定无法拥抱黑夜
我们对爱情的一知半解 还是破灭
