Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Les Misérable

Surrounded by people, yet I felt alone.
Life was going well, yet I felt frustrated.

To see the source, I reflected inwardly.
Longing for home, broken relationships faded by distance and time.

My heart yearned for the good old times,
When I lived with loved ones close by.

Alas, time runs ahead, never turning back.
Leaving me to cherish sweet memories of my good old times.


The Scientist said...

hey friend, it's normal to feel like this but don't let the melancholy stick with you for too long. think about it this way: you'd never have gained the friendships of Eduardo et al. (i.e., the people you blog about) if you didn't come this far.

i also miss everyone at home and feel sad that i've lost touch with several people whom i used to be close to. (that's life.) but i feel fortunate to have met the "new" people around me now.

Paul said...

Ya, it is one of those days when you feel down and out.

Thanks for the encouragement!

Anonymous said...

God willing, someday you may be able to cherish the memories of these days as "good old times."