Indeed, each season has its own beauty for us to marvel and contemplate.
When I reached the lab, I could not resist the pristine snow-covered field beckoning me to make a snow angel. I wore my lab coat and gloves to prevent me from getting wet. Eduardo was there to take pictures of me in action. Some said my snow angel looked like a butterfly or a ribbon. I was freezing when I completed the snow angel. My first snowman will have to wait since the snow was flaky (not sticky).
Down at the Inner Harbor, the stagnant water was frozen near the pier, considering the harsh temperature (average -6 degree Celsius). Even cars had icicles forming. Ice cream anyone?
U know why ur snow angel looked like butterfly or ribbon more? Cos there's no head!!! Alamak,ur head didnt have enough weight to make a mark in the snow hahahaha.....
Aiya, there is a head except that it was very light. Magnify the photo. I deliberately lift my head off the snow 'cos it was cold.
I don't want to experience a 'head-freeze'.
Will give another try since there was only one inch of snow then. Bad weather was predicted for tomorrow and Wednesday.
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