Wednesday, April 09, 2008

White water kayaking at Violet's Lock

Prior to the trip on Sunday April 6, all participants were required to attend a pre-trip meeting where we submitted our medical and waiver forms. We were also briefed on safety issues and theory about river flow, eddy-in, eddy-out, terminology etc.

We met on Saturday to draw equipments and load them into a van. I chose an Ace kayak which was comfortable for my legs, not knowing what I was getting into. I had difficulties squeezing my long legs in.

I woke up at 7am to a drizzling Sunday to prepare lunch (two smoked turkey breast sandwich) and snacks consisting of six bars of Twix, four Japanese rice cakes and a banana. I wore three layers, a wicking sweater followed by a fleece sweater and a winter jacket. I reached the meeting place at 8am and we headed for Violet's Lock, about 1.5 hour drive.

At our destination, we had to put on more layers as the water was cold. We were 'bulked up' by a wet suit, a splash jacket, a spray skirt and a personal floating device. On top of that, we wore helmet and booties.

I got to know fellow participants when we had to introduce ourselves in a circle for warm up and describing one cool fact about ourselves.

Thereafter, we proceeded into the river where we practiced paddling, bracing and rolling. I was not confident of rolling upon capsizing. Next, we had to paddle one mile across where I had a hard time paddling straight. I was going left and right except straight.

The river was swelling from yesterday's rain and the river current was fast. After exerting much strength, I got my swinging kayak to the opposite bank.

There, white river kayaking began. Going over fast flowing water was exhilarating and scary. I was at the mercy of the river current. Our instructors kept telling us to paddle hard to gain control. Being a novice, I could not tell where to avoid submerged boulders. Before I saw them, I could feel them under my butt.

I was concentrating more on not tipping over then enjoying the thrill. It put me in my place to respect one of the forces of nature.

After the trip, I intended to go for another trip on April 20 but this time round, I wanted to be able to roll over.

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