There is less impact on the knees while working on the elliptical machine compared to running on a treadmill. Climbing does not hurt my knee though I am careful not to aggravate my injury.
While browsing at Sports Authority, I chanced upon this pair of Speedo aquatic fitness gloves. It is different from the usual swim paddles which are not allowed in most public pools in Singapore because of safety reasons. You may hit someone with the hard plastic paddles. The fitness gloves is soft and has a flexible rubber palm for gripping and webbing for increased water resistance. I am improvising with this to swim faster and burn calories.
My obsession with burning calories or keeping my weight down started after I weighed myself recently. I thought my previous latest weight of 77kg/170 pd was due to dinner since I weighed after eating. At Jianshi's place, I weighed before and after dinner and found I could consume 2kg/4.4 pd of food. According to the Body Mass Index (BMI), I am 1 kg/2.2 pd short of being overweight. Coming from a BMI of 19 when I was around 20, I could not reconcile this latest figures.
Time to trim and burn before it is harder physically and mentally.
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