Monday, January 28, 2008

Reality TV is getting downright low!

Since the screening of Survivor where contestants competed to last 30 days in the wilderness, there are all kinds of reality series such as American Idol, The Biggest Loser etc. Some are inspiring while some are plain stupid.

I found the latest reality, The Moment of Truth, screening on Fox45 disgusting. Participants will be put on a lie detector to answer a series of personal questions where they may win up to $500, 000. As the price money goes up, the questions get more personal.

Why are people so nosy to know a stranger's secrets? Is money more important than relationship? Are TV broadcasters pushing the moral boundaries of audience? Is human moral suffering from decadence?


Anonymous said...

And you were watching this crap because ..............

Paul said...

Just watched the premiere to see what this show is about.

And lost interest after 5 minutes.