Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Counting my blessings

Lady Luck began smiling at me when I won a ticket lottery for the musical, Wicked, which saved me $65 on Oct 23.

Recently, I won my bid for "Basic Economics" by Thomas Sowell on eBay, saving only $2.22. Though the saving was little, it was better than none in this bad economic time. This was my second attempt at bidding for something and won.

In time of job retrenchment and high jobless rate, I have a choice of two good positions for my career.

Paraphrasing Thomas Sowell "Life does not ask what we want but offers us choices."


Anonymous said...

Your posting is touching and appropriate considering that Thanksgiving day is just a week away. We all need to reflect on our incredible good fortune to be alive at this tiime and in this place.

The Scientist said...

I am glad I dropped by and read this entry tonight. Even though I have been blessed many times in the last few weeks, I tend to fall into despair over having to work odd and long hours, to compare my situation with those of my colleagues, and generally allow myself to wallow in depression. The rational part of me tells me to quit it. Unfortunately, I have not been able to overcome these negative forces. But what Anonymous said just did it for me tonight, "We all need to reflect on our incredible good fortune to be alive at this time and in this place,"


Paul said...

I am glad that blessings are passed around in the form of advice from Anonymous.