Friday, June 15, 2007

My first trip to a physician here

After suffering from a sore throat which developed into a cough, I finally went to consult a physician after coughing for a week.

I called to make an appointment with the University Health Center. As this was my first visit, I had to filled up a 66-questionnaire so that the center could serve me better. Next, a nurse took my blood pressure and temperature before sending me off to a physician. The nurse had to retake my pressure because it was slightly high as I had walked for 20 minutes.

The physician was energetic and professional. I was diagnosed as having a cold, thus there was no need to prescribe antibiotics. But I requested for some medicine to decongest my lungs. She wrote a prescription for two cough syrups.

The difference about the health clinic here is that you do not get your medicine at the clinic; only prescription. Instead, you go to a pharmacy and buy your medicine. I found this inconvenient since I was not feeling well and I had to go to another place to buy my medicine.

Another point about the health care here is you need to have a medical insurance in USA, else pray that you would not get sick because you could be turned away because you do not have insurance. A good thing my fellowship covers my medical insurance so I do not have to fork out a sum of money! A normal consultation can set you back by $75. Let's see how much this would cost.

A sad thing I heard from my friend was that once her husband was suffering from a heart attack and she rushed him to a hospital. Instead of attending to him upon arrival, an administrator asked my friend if he had medical insurance. Of course my friend was furious and asked her to go away. The administrator was persistent and my friend said her cash and credit cards were in her bag and could take it if she wanted.

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