Thursday, December 03, 2009

Put on comment moderation

Recently, a group of Japanese had left their comments on one of my postings. Never mind that their comments were irrelevant to the postings, but when you click on their links, it led you to some Japanese porn site. After some Japanese-to-English translation, they were discussing about fantasies too!

This is my last straw. Please respect my blog, you know who you are.


The Scientist said...

Could be just random SPAM.

Paul said...

Yes, could be spam but this one is persistent! Deleted at least 5 comments in Japanese and talking about their fantasies again.

The Scientist said...

Well, just ignore (if you don't enjoy them ;->). Could also be the work of a robot. I notice your comment form doesn't ask for word verification, which protects against automatic spamming.

Charles Sng said...

It might be a rather intelligent spamming bot which can bypass your verification filter. You might want to set the comments such that you screen them first before they are displayed in your blog. If the spammer is using a consistent name or address (which is highly unlikely), you might want to report it to Blogger.

Oh, after typing this, I realised you already have activated the comment moderation filter...hahaha :P

Paul said...

Yes, did that. Haha... I even translate from English to Japanese. They are from different bloggers or users. So, cannot block them out.

Apparently, putting the word verification works.