Friday, September 11, 2009

Spotting a new look

I have been growing a beard for fun. It took me a week for it to be fully grown and grows around my mouth and chin. My sides are not dense enough to complete a full beard.

I had to ask people with beard how do they keep theirs tidy. Scissors, of course. Ahem, I was thinking of hair clipper.

Six personal friends had commented that I look good with it. Others had asked me for the reason behind it. One said that I still had not shaved after she met me one week later. I am trying to get used to it and I think it makes me look older. The upside is that I do not have to shave everyday. Just every other day to shave at my lower lip and sides.

Well, let's see how long this beard can survive.


Charles Sng said...

Haha it does look good on you! :) keep it till you come back! :P

Paul said...

Thanks. Maybe it's psychological, but feel that strangers are finding me more serious-looking.

Anonymous said...

Somehow, that photo doesn't say "serious" to Anonymous. For the record, Anonymous thinks it looks good.